Burn Victims

A riot is the language of the unheard”. Martin Luther King

It is illegal to view a snuff film. Logic dictates that the consumer of the product is essential to its production. Thus, the viewer is complicit in murder. When I pay my cable TV bill this month I will have participated, as we all did, unknowingly, in the funding and result of the George Floyd snuff film. The production of this obscene spectacle is so ubiquitous today, the ink on my “I Can’t Breath” t-shirt is still bright as the day Eric Garner howled the exact same words producing the same exact result.

The postmortem lynching of Micheal Brown, the heinous act of dehumanizing the deceased; pales in the face of this latest outrage; making us all involved in an illegal and immoral act. The obsequious politicians, clergy and civic leaders who spoon feed us the latest version of cool-out stoicism should recall, Dr. King was able to show LBJ a choice; helping him to see the alternative; e.g. Malcolm X, Rap Brown, Huey Newton, Stokely Carmichael and riots in the streets, thus inferring “you can deal with me or deal with them.” Without the fear of flaming cities;The Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960’s may well never have occurred.

The spontaneous outpouring of this maniacal reaction, headlong into the streets of Minneapolis, foretells the adage – you can pay us now or you can pay us later.